Black Rice
Antioxidant-Rich, Nutty and Aromatic
Black Rice is not as common as other types of rice, it is the highest antioxidant activity and contains more protein than brown rice. As such, eating it may offer several health benefits.
Its glutinous properties make it ideal for rice pudding, Soak for a minimum of 1 hour or ideally overnight before cooking.
It also called forbidden rice or “emperor’s rice,” is gaining popularity for its high levels of antioxidants and superior nutritional value. Forbidden to anyone else for the sake of emperors in the ancient period.
It has a beautiful purple hue along with a distinctive aroma, it has a deep black colour and usually turns deep purple when cooked. Its dark purple colour is primarily due to its anthocyanin content, which is higher by weight than that of other coloured grains.
It is suitable for creating porridge, dessert, traditional Chinese black rice cake, bread, and noodles.
Black rice is no longer forbidden, but it is cultivated in relatively small amounts, compared to other types rice varieties.The whole grain rice also packs umpteen health benefits.
Black rice or the forbidden rice (Chinese) is a rare and a very old variety of rice that has been growing in India for centuries. It is mainly grown in the North East region (called as Chak Hao) and the southern parts (called as Kavuni in Tamil) of India.
Here are a few benefits of Black rice.
Enumerating the benefits of black rice Shilpa Arora, Macrobiotic Nutritionist and Health Practitioner, says” It is loaded with anti-oxidants especially anthocyanin which is great for diabetics, heart patients and helps brain activity.
Its great for skin and hair due to its Vitamin e content. It is also loaded with fibre so it does not spike blood sugar levels. Its rich in iron, hence a good source for vegetarians.”
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